Double Winner of Malaysia Website Awards 2015 – Individual Category

Winner of Malaysia Website Awards 2015 - Individual Category
Jonath Lee receiving award from the founder of Frambie, Ray Beh

I’m proud to announce that my personal website has officially won the Site of the Month October 2015 and also the Site of the Year @ Malaysia Website Awards 2015. Such a wonderful experience for being the winner of Malaysia Website Awards in 2015 to push my journey in web industry.

I would like to thanks to the organizer, Exabytes Group, co-organizers like @CAT, Invest Penang, sponsors .mynic, Invest Penang, Frambie, .COM, Rhipe and SME.

In the same time I would like to apologize for being extremely nervous during this ceremony as I’ve never thought of winning 2 awards (and special thanks to Mr Ong Kok Leong, Country Manager of Rhipe Malaysia Sdn. Bhd) who made the whole ceremony in a huge suspense during the announcement on the winner Site of the Year 2015 under individual category.

Jonath Lee with Mr Ong Kok Leong, the Country Manager of Rhipe Malaysia Sdn. Bhd
Jonath Lee with Mr Ong Kok Leong, the Country Manager of Rhipe Malaysia Sdn. Bhd
Jonath Lee with Exabytes Group's CEO Mr Chan Kee Siak
Jonath Lee with Exabytes Group’s CEO Mr Chan Kee Siak

This award meant a lot not only to me, but I believe it is an important milestone in Website Design and Development industries in Malaysia. Thanks to Exabytes Group’s CEO and his team to initiate this award, together with judges namely;

Caleb Kow
Director of Asia Pacific – OpenSRS

Leong Wai Khong
Head of Multimedia Design Department, The One Academy Penang

Vin Lim
Co-founder of Green Room

Secondly I would like to thanks to all family and friends who share and voted for my website, and also my wife May Ee for all the supports and confidence she had in me.

Organizer with sponsors, judges and winners of Malaysia Website Awards 2015

Finally, I would like to congratulate to all winners of Malaysia Website Awards 2015 and all participants for attending this ceremony and for detailed results on winners, you can find it in Exabytes’ blog.

Malaysia Website Awards 2016 has begin, submit your website now at