Digi Telecommunications recently relaunched their all-new mobile app allowing their end customer to take control of their Digi account, from monitoring data usages, billing, rewards to support. After few days of using, I found there are few potential tweak in enhancing MyDigi App.
I do not work for Digi nor any agency related to Digi. This enhancement are strictly my own personal view and it is not reflecting Digi. As I do not have the access to their user research data or metrics, thus this “enhancement design” is just my personal opinion.
The current app’s design is based on Google Material Design Guideline for both Android and iOS platform. And most of the important information such as data, voice, SMS usages and other billing details were shown in plain text as shown in the screenshot below;
Plain text and figures
Overall it looks minimal, too minimal to state it is slightly difficult to scan due to the flat tone of the text. Medium grey colored text is slightly hard to differentiate, although there are some subtle difference
As you can see in the screenshot above, their app’s layout consists a lot of text and plain figures, which is was pretty straightforward. As you notice their existing content layout are primarily text-based, which you need to take some time to read and search for the content you were looking for.
#The Solution
I’m not going to redesign the entire app, instead a little tweak and polishing would just be enough;
- Convert plain text info into meaningful visual
- Content hierarchy
- Visual polishing
- Easier to scan
The Enhancement
Usage Gauge
The first thing you’ll notice is the main 3 gauge bar which shows you your internet data, voice and SMS usages visually. Each item has been differentiated with different color for easier identification. Now it’s easier to monitor your usage easily without doing any math calculation in your brain.
Billing Summary
Billing information such as latest and upcoming bills are summarised in the next row. Simply scroll down to access to your detailed billings summary and history page.
Offers and Rewards
For the last two rows I have added z-depth layering to create the 3D card layering effect between each of these card to simulate the scrollable layer effects.
View Detailed Internet Data Usage
Your detailed internet data usage is well shown in this page. From the first fold of the screen you’ll be seeing the same overall summary of your internet data usage in the gauge bar with ability of buying additional internet data and followed with duration of your monthly data expiration.
Scroll down and you’ll be presented the detailed breakdown of what’s going on within your data plan such as monthly 4G weekend, Rollover quota and lastly the history of your internet data usage which is scroll-able to the left to view more in the past.
When your data close to the limit
In situation where your internet data usage is getting near the limit the blue gauge will turned into red color as a sign while the BUY Internet Data button will automatically change to a larger, brighter appearance to suggests user to purchase more data. To increase conversion, perhaps recommended Promotional Add-ons should be shown below the BUY button.
After you purchase any internet data add-ons, you’ll notice your gauge bar has additional extended slot. With every data purchase made, you’ll be notify via the Purchased Add-ons column.
I have tweaked the add-ons page as well, converting existing plain text display item to an individual tappable card.
Billing page has been refreshed with a brighter tone. You can view your latest bill and previous billing through scrollable horizontal timeline bar chart. Each bar are highlighted in blue color, with purple block on top as a remark for any additional add-ons purchase, or even game credit purchase (I really wish this can be tracked as well).
Overall this is just based on my personal preference, but I do hope Digi would consider to look into some of the enhancement and bringing their MyDigi App one step further.
And I would like to thanks you for reading, if you have any comments, critics, or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below and share your thoughts.